Falling Awake
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Falling Awake


Title Details

Pages: 120

Trim size: 5.500in x 8.500in



Pub Date: 04/01/2008

ISBN: 9-780-8203-3245-1

List Price: $22.95

Related Subjects

POETRY / American / General

Falling Awake


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  • Description

These are poems of the present, of commercials and human interest stories, of the drive-in windows that make banks and bedrooms of our cars. These poems trace the faint erasures of time and human relationships-following runners as they pause by the Ticonderoga ferry and Lake Champlain, riding with tourists across a river to an old fort, the distant sounds of a historic slaughter obscured by the misfiring pistons of an inboard motor and by the unforgiving surf.

Describing the world he has seen and loved as well as how that world sometimes threatens itself, Gary Margolis speaks with caring humor and seriousness of the brokenness and beauty of America's present.

About the Author/Editor

GARY MARGOLIS is the executive director of College Mental Health Services and associate professor of English and American Literatures at Middlebury College. A former Robert Frost Fellow and staff member at Bread Loaf, he has also taught at the University of Vermont and Tennessee Writers' Conferences. His poems have appeared in Prairie Schooner, the New England Review, and Poetry, among others. His most recent book is Fire in the Orchard. He is on the board of the Vermont Humanities Council and first recipient of the St. Michael's College Clinical Psychology Sam Dietzel Award for mental health practice in Vermont.